

1559 Uppsatser om Automation grinding vision robot - Sida 1 av 104

Förstudie för automatisering av slipningsprocess

Detta examensarbete har utförts på Ovako Bar i Hällefors i syfte att kontrollera möjligheterna att automatisera en slipningsprocess på stänger med ytdefekter. Det största skälet till arbetets uppkomst är de vibrationsskador som uppstår i operatörers händer vilket i sin tur leder till sjukskrivningar.Arbetet inleddes med en nulägesanalys på Kontrollstation 7 för att kontrollera hur processen går till, hur operatörerna upplever situationen och få en större förståelse för situationen. Information om nuvarande utrustning inhämtas i syfte att kunna utvärdera möjligheter. Kontakter med potentiella leverantörer togs också, i syfte att få ytterligare bollplank.Efter nulägesanalysen inleddes förbättringsförslagsprocessen. Lösningar till problemet uppkom ur brainstorming efter kravspecifikationen.

Sensorsystem till hinderhanterande robot

The projects goal is to construct and program a robot that is controlled from a computer but also have an obstacle handling function that allows the robot to navigate around the object by itself.The robot is a simple construction and the number of components and functions is kept at a minimum. A tricycle construction was chosen because it?s the simplest. Communication between the robot and the computer also kept as simple as possible..

Förstudie för automatisering av manuell lödning

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Enertech AB in Ljungby and is pilot study to automating all current manual soldering. The soldering process accounts for a large part of the processing cost in the production of a heat pump. The process is also a quality risk and has a major impact on the lifetime of the final product.The Main task of this project has been to evaluate automation of the soldering process, to develop automation solutions and a principle layout, to draw the design changes required for the automation and to calculate the supposed solution.This pilot study has resulted in a suggested automation solution using laser as a heat source for soldering. Calculations of the solution show that a automating a laser soldering cell is very profitable..

Konstruktion av tvåhjulig balanserande robot

This report discusses the development of an autonomous system that can travel a distance of atleast 30 meters on two wheels. The system, the robot, detects black lines and stops if one isdetected. A remote control can be used to start and stop the robot. The robot is constructed ofmainly steel with smaller, more detailed, parts in plastic. A significant amout of time has beenused to enable the robot to balance on its own.

Lean Automation på Saab Automobile AB : ett hållbart och flexibelt produktionskoncept

Ett nytt produktionskoncept på Saab Automobile AB ? Lean Automation ? är under implementering och utveckling. Inriktningen är att utveckla automationslösningar som stödjer principer och arbetsätt inom Lean Produktion. En gemensam nämnare är automation som byggs upp av enkel, standardiserad och modulariserad utrustning och som kan omkonfigureras av egen personal.Två pilotinstallationer har gjorts under 2010: Transport med enkel AGV (Lean AGV) samt Lean Automation Robot Cell (LARC). Dessa komponenter ingår i denna studie som inriktar sig på förändringar i det totala produktionssystemet med sikte på en konstant hög produktivitetsnivå även vid frekventa förändringar i volym och produktinnehåll.Studien pekar på vikten av att samla produktionspersonalen för att underlätta balansering, men även för att skapa en visuell process där fel snabbt kan upptäckas och åtgärdas.

Borrning och gängning av laxkilar till vågkraftverk med industrirobot

To make wave power more competitive on the market Uppsala University leads projects that examine how to accomplish better efficiency in the production. One of these projects is described in this report and examines whether it is possible to make the production of dovetails more efficient by using an industry robot of type ABB IRB6000 S3 M91. This project is using an already presented working method, from a previous project, which involves that the robot picks up the dovetail and moves against fixed cutting machines where the dovetail will be drilled, threaded and milled. Drilling and threading are the sub operations that will be examined in this project where experiments are made with the presented working method and with equipment from Uppsala University.Experiments show whether it is possible to drill the holes in the dovetail within specifications by using the specific robot and the presented working method. The threading operation is examined theoretically if it is possible to accomplish by using the same working method.

En studie av en industrirobots beteende vid borrning

In the assembly process of airframe structures there are many drilled holes and on some parts the holes are mainly drilled manually with pneumatic handheld drilling machines. During conventional drilling in metal, burrs appear. To remove these burrs the parts of the structure must be separated and deburred before they can be put together for fastening. This is a time consuming measure and therefore expensive. To facilitate this process and lower production costs some parts of the process needs to be automated.A part of this thesis was a project in co-operation with Saab, Novator, Specma Automation and the University of Linköping.


The aim of this thesis is to investigate if an automation of the manual packaging process at Legosan AB is profitable. Legosan AB, located in Kumla, performs subcontract work of dietary supplements and medical products to companies within Europe. The chapterportal robot is used in the other. As there are several options in the choice of packaging robot the suggestions of improvement are divided into two different designs. Other machines and equipment necessary for the different suggestions of improvement are showed and their measurements are presented.

Automatiserad Högtryckstvätt

Undersökningar och beräkningar av en rengöringsprocess med ibc-containers vid Allemballage har gjorts. En automatiserad lösning har tagits fram där vissa delar har tillhandahållits i förväg som rengöringsverktyg. Uppgiften blev att studera om verktyget klarade av de räckvidder som var avgörande samt att fastsälla om den robot som kunden ville använda sig av kunde utföra uppgiften genom att ta reda på vilket moment som uppstod för att sedan ta fram en simulering av processen i RS. Räckvidden undersöktes dels i RS men även ett presentationsunderlag togs fram. Momentet undersöktes dels praktiskt där man fastställde de krafter som verkade och teoretiskt där man sedan beräknade momentet.

Identifiering av stelkroppsmodell för industrirobot

In this masters thesis we consider a method for experimental identification of the inertial parameters of an industrial robot, using measured torques and joint angles. A dynamic model of the first three joints of the robot has been identified.To achieve good identification results, it is important to carefully choose the trajectory for the experimental identification. A method to generate trajectories using two suggested design criteria has been used and evaluated using an ABB industrial robot, and one of them yields good identification results..

Teststrategier och användning av testautomation : En studie utförd på företaget Extenda AB

In today?s IT world where software is constructed in a rapid pace, testing has become a crucial area to master when testing has to be done at a greater speed. To still be able to handle the demands of high quality software, companies have to spend more resources on testing and introduce test automation. By automating test cases the testers can gain time which they can spend on doing more complex testing and thereby increase the quality of the software.In this thesis we have helped Extenda AB, who delivers systems to retail companies, to introduce test automation in one of their customer specific projects. This has been done using their own in-house ?capture/replay? tool ECP (Extenda Cashier Player).We have also derived a process that explains how Extenda can introduce test automation on other customer projects.

Investeringsförslag till slipstation för servicearbete av skruvmatare

The project ?Investment proposal for grinding station for service work of screw feeders? has been performed during the spring semester 2014 for the course Bachelor?s thesis for degree of  Bachelor of science in machine engineering at Karlstad?s University. The project has been performed in cooperation with Fiber Workshop which is a service department in the company Valmet AB. Valmet AB is a company that develops and manufacture soft paper tissue machines. The screw feeder is a part that is used to feed, and squeeze out the water out of woodchips.

Förbättring av utnyttjandegrad i robotcell

When a company in the manufactory industry makes costly investments, it's important that these are used as much as possible. The company in this case claims that their invested robot cell, with CNC machine isn't used enough. The questions here are: How can we improve the use of the robot cell? Which products are appropriate for the production in the robot cell? As a method to come to a conclusion, an analysis has been made over the manufactured products. And also interviews with machine operators and the production management.

Förstudie för automatisering av gjutgodsrensning

This thesis work has been performed at the Division of Assembly Technology at Linköping University for a period of ten weeks. The work is part of the project ProFlexA, which is a research project in collaboration between Linköping University, Lund University, and industrial partners such as Combi Wear Parts and Smålands Stålgjuteri AB.The casting process creates random incurred burrs and defects, which must be removed during a cleaning process to make sure that the cast can be sold. Automation has long been sought for the cleaning of castings due to, among other things, poor working conditions for staff, but this has proved difficult to implement with today's technology. Automation has for some time been available for more capital strong companies with large annual volumes, but for smaller companies with small-and medium-sized volumes, automation has not been an option.The goal of ProFlexA is to develop an automated cleaning cell aimed at small-and medium-sized volumes.The goal of the thesis is to do a pre study at ProFlexA?s partners on cleaning of castings, and develop concepts for automated cleaning of castings.By recording the process and cycle times, the cleaning of castings has been documented as it works today, and on this basis, information and statistics has been compiled.

Robotiserad produktionsanpassad magnetmontering för vågkraftverk

This thesis work includes studies and simulation how magnetization of the translator in a linear generator for wave power can be automated. The translator is the moving component in the generator that is "dressed" with permanent magnets. The translator is magnetized with rectangle-shaped permanent magnets that are today's strongest permanent magnet type of neodymium-iron-boron (NdFeB).Eight equivalent metal sheets are mounted around the translator. The plates have milled tracks where 106 permanent magnets per sheet are mounted. Today the assembling of the magnets is done by hand, which is a very tedious and time-consuming work.  This project presents investigations about the automation of the translator magnetization theoretically and simulation results are preformed in ABB's robot simulation software RobotStudio. Even robot-held tool was designed that enables the robot to be able to magnetize the translator in a simple manner.  The investment cost is roughly 1.5 million SEK. With an economic life-time of five years, the investment costs are estimated to 24000 SEK / month.  According to the calculations, this project is very motivated to implement, as it provides savings up to 17 000 SEK per translator which is 10.2 million SEK assuming that the robot cell is operating at full speed the whole year.According to this thesis work the result is a 4x9 meter cell with two industrial robots of the type ABB IRB6650S.The cycle time to magnetize one translator was calculated to about 10 hours.This prototype of project can possibly be implemented in a full-scale production line and performed according to the calculations and simulations presented in the report. Further work is suggested to improve the tool.Lyssna .

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